How Long Does Microblading Take

Microblading process is not like a brows tattoo in fact it is semi-permanent makeup. People also think how long does microblading take? If you lack brows or wish you had fuller or natural-looking eyebrows, then microblading could be the right choice for you.

How Long Does Microblading Take?

If you are queer about the microblading procedure, it is actually quite simple and does not take that long. However, you must attend two procedure sessions to get the full results.

The first microblading session takes about 2 to 3 hours, most of which is spent choosing the right pigment and then carefully shaping and drawing your eyebrows, so they look natural as possible. However, the second session will take less time than the first treatment. This should take about 1.5 to 2 hours and it is only a touch-up.

Everyone heals differently, the second microblading appointment is critical, so we can see how well you are healing and how your skin is retaining the color we use.

We can also use the second appointment to make any changes you want, like adding more brushstrokes or touching up the edges to ensure the final look, pigment, shape and style also.

Microblading Healing Process

Microblading healing takes up to 6 weeks but it is individual because everyone heals differently. If you don’t know anything about the eyebrow microblading healing process, it is time to get informed.

Treatment Process

The healing process microblading is very simple and straightforward. It is a semi permanent makeup tattoo that’s done with a hand-held tool. It is different from eyebrow tattooing because the pigment color is applied very close to the surface of the skin.

Image source: Instagram @microbladingfernandaverdugo

Microblading eyebrows process creates a very natural-looking pigment and feather-light stroke that closely matches the look of individual brow hairs.

This procedure is so popular because it is a much softer and more understated look, particularly compared to traditional eyebrow tattooing. Also, this procedure does not use any type of ink. It uses color of the pigments, which are slightly different.

Is This Treatment Safe?

Microblading is a cosmetic treatment and its procedure is 100% safe, which is why it is such a popular choice for people. Before the process, your artist must apply a topical anesthetic, so the treatment is virtually painless.

How Long Do The Microblading Results Last?

The eyebrow microblading is a semi-permanent makeup and lasts about 1 or 2 years. After the first two microblading sessions, it is essential that you do yearly touch-up sessions to maintain your results. As with any cosmetic treatment, the results also vary from person to person.

If you have extra dry skin, your color-fading experience is not the same as somebody with very oily skin. It also depends on the amount of sun exposure and the level of a skincare routine that you maintain after the procedure.

Microblading Recovery Process

After your first procedure session, you can expect a fast recovery process that should show results right away. Most clients walk right out after their first procedure session and get right back to their lives.

Image source: Instagram @inklinic_microblading

However, the pigment will begin to fade a bit after the 1st week, and it will look darker and look more natural as time goes on.

About 7 to 10 days after your first procedure, the exfoliation process starts. This means that the upper layer of your skin will gently flake and start to peel, which leaves a much lighter, softer-looking skin. You also might feel a slight itching when the healing process takes place.

Post-Treatment Recovery

The time after your first session is extremely important. One of the most important steps is to apply a special ointment every three to four hours to ensure that the treatment area does not dry out.

You should not apply any type of cream, lotion, makeup, or skincare products on your face other than the special ointment that your artist gives you.

Try to avoid getting the eyebrow area wet, including water and sweat. This helps keep the treated brow area healing correctly. Must follow all post-treatment instructions to maintain the best results possible.

Eyebrow Microblading Suitable Candidate

As long as you are a healthy adult aged 18 or over, you are a suitable candidate for microblading. If you have any type of serious medical conditions or skin sensitivity you may not be a suitable candidate. Pregnant women or nursing are also not suitable candidates for microblading.

Image source: Instagram @microblading_by_biljana

Microblading Touch Up Session

When the healing process is finished, you will need a microblading touch-up. It is usually required 4-5 weeks after the initial procedure. You shouldn’t ask for it before the 4-week ends because the pigment has not been settled yet. Give your eyebrows time to heal properly.

How Long Does a Microblading Take – Main Takeaways

Microblading Treatment is an excellent solution for those who want fuller, more natural-looking eyebrows. This procedure is very simple and just takes 2 to 3 hours.

This process works by coloring your eyebrows with a tool that creates an authentic-looking brush stroke that looks like individual hairs.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How Long Should I Avoid Certain Activities After Getting Microblading?

Avoid exercise, saunas, and hot tubs for 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. To let the ink set, avoid swimming or showering for 24 hours. Avoid touching or rubbing the treated area for the first few days to avoid spreading bacteria and infection.

2. How Long Does The Ink Take To Completely Dry?

It usually takes 7 to 14 days for the ink to dry completely. Because of the ink’s absorption into the skin during this time, the tattoo’s color will appear darker and bolder. Wait 4 to 6 weeks after the 7-14 day healing period to see the final results of the microbladed eyebrows.

3. Does Microblading On Oily Skin Have Any Long-Term Effects?

Oily skin may have shorter results than normal or dry skin. Oily skin produces more sebum, which speeds up ink fading and increases touch-ups. Microblading peeling usually lasts one to three years, depending on skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. Oily skin require proper micrblading aftercare. After the procedure, avoid water and sweaty activities for 24 hours.

Before applying makeup or other topical products to the treated area, wait 24 hours to prevent infection and bacteria from spreading. Avoid touching or rubbing the area for the first few days. Even with touch-ups every 6 to 12 months, the color will fade faster than with other skin types.

4. Is It Necessary To Avoid Sweating And Keeping My Brows Dry After Getting Microblading?

Yes, it is necessary to avoid sweating and keep your brows dry after getting microblading. Sweating can cause the ink to smudge or bleed, and keeping the area dry will help the ink set and prevent infection during the healing process. Avoid water and activities that cause excessive sweating for 24 to 48 hours after the procedure.

5. Will My Brows Be Puffy After Microblading?

Your brows can be puffy for some time when microblading progress has been made once. Some have mild swelling, while others have severe swelling. The swelling from needle trauma is normal. Swelling usually peaks in the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery and then starts to decrease. However, the individual’s healing may affect this. Swelling can last a few days or a week.

6. Does Redness Occur After Microblading the Brows?

Depending on the person and the depth of microblading, your brows may be red for a while. Others may have more redness than others. Redness from needle trauma is normal. The redness should subside after 24 to 48 hours. However, the individual’s healing may affect this. Redness can last a few days or a week. Redness is normal.

7. How Long Will I Need To Avoid Direct Sunlight After Microblading?

After treatment, avoid UV rays for two weeks. Sunlight fades ink and discolors treated areas. UV rays irritate skin and slow healing. To protect the treated area from the sun, use a physical sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Reapply sunscreen every two hours if you’ll be outside a lot.